Spiritual Discontent: Part 2 of 4
Spiritual crisis: have you had one? Spiritual crises can be triggered by a personal life event, such as a death or an illness, the destruction of a marriage, or a Read Article
Spiritual crisis: have you had one? Spiritual crises can be triggered by a personal life event, such as a death or an illness, the destruction of a marriage, or a Read Article
Part 4 of a 4-Part Series As we gestate in the womb of spiritual discontent, we get inspiration about the new spiritual direction we need to take. And as quick Read Article
Part 4 of a 5-Part Series on Yoga If you're doing both asana and pranayama practices, which one do you do first? Since pranayama calms the mind (and thus the Read Article
[Part 3 of a 4-Part Series] Change. Some of us love it and some of us hate it. Either way, change is imperative to achieving spiritual satisfaction. I’m going to Read Article
[Part 1 of a 4-Part Series] I’d like you to walk with me down a path over the next few weeks, because I’d like to talk about something very important Read Article
Exponential = “Relating to a mathematical expression containing one or more exponents. Something is said to increase or decrease exponentially if its rate of change must be expressed using exponents. Read Article