Board of Directors
We were made for these times. Will you serve with us?
We are an all-volunteer, actively working Board. Currently our Board is made up of four very wise women. Our vision for Board growth is diverse and all-inclusive.
We meet monthly using Zoom and occasionally in person. Our term of service is currently one year, however, it is evolving towards three years. Our Board is built on the pillars of the following expertise and beliefs.
Our Beliefs as a Governing Body
Our Board is a diverse blend of communication and leadership styles, yet a cohesive team. We respect each other and know that support from kindred spirits is vital to our success. This reflects the power of connection that sustains all forms of life.
Because the Tree of Life Sanctuary teaches that there are many paths to the Divine ~ that God is too big to fit inside one religion or spiritual path ~ our Board does not judge ourselves or others in ways that block us from the Divine-Within. Instead, we provide refuge for doing the inner work of transformation.
This inclusiveness and acceptance of all perspectives and cultures make our Board’s work an expression of the Oneness of Creation. Every Director’s contribution contains a spark of the Divine and is the beginning of authentic curiosity and commitment.
ToLS Strategic Goals
Every three years we hold strategic planning retreats. Currently our goals are:
- Diversify our funding sources through updating our website, fully utilizing our alliances, and library.
- Expand our organization’s capacity and health through succession planning, improving parking options, and bringing records current.
The Board is in the final stretch of our current three-year plan and has already accomplished many of these goals, even while facing a global pandemic.
Board Expertise
Our chosen areas of expertise reflect the Tree of Life Sanctuary’s mission, vision and values:
- Leaders in Pacific Northwest metaphysical business
- TOLS Colleague Participants who have regularly participated in ToLS offerings, with 1-year or more consecutive association
- Representatives of environmentally conscious organizations
- Certified professional life coaches
- Leaders in the field of Western Hermetic Qabalah
Meet the Tree of Life Sanctuary Board of Directors
Laura Abernathy
Founder, President, Treasurer
As the founder of the ToLS in1997, Laura currently wears many hats. Certified as a life coach with the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) in 2003, she has coached many Souls over the years. She also created all of the ToLS coaching and training programs. Her past experience with not for profits includes Rosebridge Graduate School of Integrative Psychology and Toastmasters. Her diverse career experience covers private and government organizations, small and international. As a result, she has lived a rich and diverse life focused on uncovering her authentic self, fulfilling her life purpose and supporting others in doing the same.
Her down to earth, deeply calm-yet-passionate approach to everything makes her teachings and creations both mysterious and compelling. Her contributions have been vital for the success of the Tree of Life Sanctuary. She lives her dream life in Northwest Washington state with her beloved husband, where she does tarot readings, writes books, and blogs for the ToLS. Her writings address not only spiritual issues, but also Star Trek!
Emma de Lisle
Volunteer, Past Colleague Representative
A ToLS Colleague since 2011, Emma reflects the happiness of the Divine Within. As an extremely compassionate Soul, she supports our Colleagues and volunteers in having a rewarding experience with our School. The thousands of hours she has volunteered for our Seeker’s Library demonstrates this! Her background in not for profit service (Girl Scouts USA) and health services provides a broad perspective on ToLS team projects. Emma’s passions include spiritual growth, cooking, her children and grandson. She is also an avid reader with a soft spot for science fiction and fantasy.
Marcia Hansen
Certified Board Coach, Past Director
Marcia has been a ToLS Colleague since 2015, having met Laura Abernathy in the local coaches professional organization. Starting as an event volunteer, she eventually became a Board Director and served several years. As of 2021, she serves the Board as our Change Management Consultant. Most of her experience has been in the for-profit world, and brings to ToLS a fresh business perspective. Her background in the realms of facilitation and training development has been timely and transformative for the growth of ToLS. Marcia’s passions include decorating, reading, science fiction (especially Star Trek), and road trips. Learn more about Marcia as one of our trusted resources.
Janis Spencer
Jan has been a Colleague with the ToLS since 1999. During this time she not only was a participant in school programs and services, she also served as a Board Director. She has held several positions, currently serving as Board Secretary and Volunteer Librarian. Her past experience with not for profits has been with Girl Scouts USA and Business and Professional Women’s Association. Her career in Information Technology has enabled her to be a tremendous help in finding the right vendor to build our website, and in finding the best database software for our Seeker’s Library. Jan’s passions include reading, personal growth and refining her Tiny Home lifestyle.